About Me

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41, mother, wife, friend, daugher. And I have breast cancer. This is somewhere for me to let off steam, share the funny side of it all (and there is a funny side) and generally keep track of my journey before my brain loses bits and pieces here and there and it all gets rosy tinted and possibly completely inaccurate.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Best friends and Jelly Babies..

Utterly knackered now, but chuffed to bits as a really close friend just caught the bus out to see me after she'd finished work.. and brought me a big box of Jelly Babies!!! Clare - you star xxxx  I won't eat them all at once, I promise...

Seen two different District Nurses now, and I am so grateful to live in a county where this service is offered.  I know that others going through this are not so lucky, and have to get to their doctors or even the hospital to have dressings/drains checked etc - not an easy thing to do when you feel like death and cannot drive.. so for once, thank you Wiltshire!  I've actually seen my 'wound'.. is it just me, or does 'wound' sound like an accidental injury?  Anyway, given due consideration, it is prettier under a white dressing.. very black and spidery with all the stitches at the moment.. bit like having a tarantula roadkill tattoo across my chest.  Not a look I plan on keeping.

I am definitely feeling better today as I am starting to feel bored, and having to firmly stay planted in my seat and do nothing.. grrr.  Am starting to wonder if I am a late onset developer of some hyperactivity disorder, but think actually it's just boredom and quite normal.  Let's just deal with one issue at a time.  Although it was on my hospital notes to be given a huge knock out med on night one, which I declined, and the nurse was surprised to see had been written up for me.. possibly the surgeon  figured it might keep me in bed for at least a few hours.  Didn't work, but then, my theory is that at least I'm avoiding DVT. 

Been on the phone for hours - mum/friends and finally rang up to claim on my credit card protection policies.. so glad I'd never actually got around to cancelling them and trying to claim back the money - though if either don't pay out, then I will be looking at that option as I never actually asked for either.  Each claim will take around 15 days to put into effect, in the meantime, please pay as normal. Hmmph.  That will take us just to the end of the month, so I'll have to find this month's payment after all. Poo.

Been talking about flashing on the breastcancercare website - which begs the question, can you actually flash a non-breast? 

I am going to have to get out and about soon or I'll have nothing to write about...

Take care xxxx

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